
    After narrowing down the endless thoughts about what we should research for our Collaborative Research Project, my teammates, Jackie Bosworth, Alicia Morales, Michelle Kong, and I were eventually able to meet some common grounds for our topic question and got right down to business.  Since half of our teammates are education majors, and we all had a common interest with kids and our own personal teenage experiences, we decided to revolve our research in the setting of two middle schools.  As another common interest, we collaboratively decided to investigate on every kid’s favorite period of the day: lunch.  As we reflected on this topic, we questioned whether or not students who brought their lunches versus those who bought their lunches from the cafeteria had healthier or less healthy meals.  With an unknown answer to this question in mind, our team narrowed our variables to as much of a bare minimum as possible and decided to cooperatively assign tasks to one another and then meet up as a group to do finalize findings.

Research Questions - Interview One - Interview Two - Survey